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Time for a Celebration of Light!

As you can see, I was a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people there!

After a fantastic experience two years ago for the festival of Light in Vancouver, Canada, I figured it was time to go and see who would be the champ this year by choosing to catch the day of the grand finale of the Celebration of Light held in Canada. This year's competitors included Canada (of course!), China and Sweden . Let the games begin!

I made the trip with my good friend Nick and chose to stay this time in New Westminster about 40 minutes away from downtown by the SkyTrain. The trip up was good, with a bit of a wait in line, (you still don't need a passport until 2007). Finally crossing the border, we made our way to New Westminster and the hotel was very nice with views of the water and the cute market nearby which made it feel like a relaxing home away from home. I was duly impressed and this was for less than 100 dollars per night!

After getting in, I changed into my funky clothes for the trip downtown. With video camera, camera and everything else in tow, we made our way to the SkyTrain. On the way, we stopped at MetroTown in Burnaby for a snack and I had to make a trading card (disco, no less!) We made the trek downtown and getting in, it was already a madhouse along the water. I am surprised we found a spot! We got our little section tagged while I grabbed snacks (hard to find, so was an available bathroom at this point).

As the countdown began, a firework would be let off from the barge. Once the show began, we were treated to beautiful medleys from each country. I especially liked Sweden 's playfulness and China 's haunting displays. Who won? It was Sweden , hands down! Now the hard part - getting out of Vancouver with over 300,000 people crowding the streets!

Nick and I did our best, but came back to New Westminster quite late (or early). We checked out the Riverboat casino there (with regular slots!) then gave up the ghost.

The next day, I checked out the market next to the hotel and it was so adorable! Having breakfast and a peach cone, I enjoyed this cute little town in its entire splendor. We went to Metrotown again for lunch and more trading cards then headed downtown to meet up with my friend Sean Tataryn (see his profile here). He showed me his dolls so far and gave me the new calendar and a promo DVD - Thank you, Sean!

Nick made his way back to the hotel while I cruised on Robson and Davie a little, (a girl can't help but shop!) Soon, I headed back and after a trip to the 'Ol Spaghetti Factory, we headed out. I loved the fireworks and had the funnest time. Thank you , Canada !


If you want to learn more about the Celebration of Light, click here for more information and make plans to see it in the future!

Here are some more pics from this great trip, including the view from the hotel, the fireworks and Sean's great dolls!

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Here is the view from our hotel, the casino and market, it was awesome!

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I got tired walking all the stairs, but it's good exercise!

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Can you imagine being around this many people?

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I loved staying in New Westminster, a fun town!

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I enjoyed checking out the markets, and its cool friends!

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Nick liked the waterfront casino!

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I enjoyed all the water views!

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Sean's dog was so cute! And so were his dolls!

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I can't wait to see his finished product come out!

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Vancouver is such a beautiful town!

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Here's my disco trading card, check out that happening guy on the right!
(check out more trading cards in the photo shoot gallery!)

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I know it looks dark here, but click on it for a pretty firework!

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I love all these cute ones together!

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Yet another pretty combo!

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They sure were a sight to behold!


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