Mom and I in NY when I was young, twin towers in the background

Just before seeing "Monsters, Inc" on ice, we compare out

We see the Nutcracker and meet a few of the characters!

Mom and I a day after my uncle passed away

Before a bingo game, one of our fave things to do!

We volunteered for the diabetic auction downtown for a few years!

Now you just gotta love this photo.lol

We loved going to baseball games!

Mom hangs out with a fellow Air Supply fan

Yes, that's Air Supply, they loved mom!

At the Hard Rock Cafe in Sacramento

I love this photo of us

Being silly on the train

We're ready to be in the next Star Wars movie.lol

on my 34th birthday, at the Rainforest cafe!

Mom was always so beautiful

We almost have the same expression here

Another of mom's fave expressions.lol

A great shot of me, my aunt, and my mom

Back on my 30th birthday, mom gave me my first digital camera!

After the U2 concert, mom was a big fan

I took Mom to see Duran Duran in Canada, she loved the view from our

The gang's all here for Nicks' birthday, love this shot!

We even did photo booths together!

My first barbecue feast with mom in tow!

I got mom to wear the tiara.lol

Finding Nemo on ice, yes, we were big pixar fans =)

ok, who are the kids in this photo? lol

Mom loves her some 3-d!

Mom met new friend Phil in Portland for a trip

Mom looks like she's getting high or passed out.lol

There's mom's fave expression again, poor Jeremy

There, that's better

After the Hall and Oates concert, do we look great or what?

Chris and mom loved hanging out together

the last new year's we celebrated together

Mom got beautiful xmas gifts last xmas

We attended the free Starship concert in Federal Way

I took mom to Canada again so we could get some spaghetti!

Showing off their Daryl power, chris c and mom

Our backstage moment - meeting Michael Mcdonald!

Getting ready for another Hall and Oates concert

mom and me both enjoying a concert together, she and I were so alike

Mom attending a Madonna concert with me and Michelle, she took me to my
very first concert

Goodbye mom, until we dance together again...I love you forever