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Mariam invites you to some parties!
We had such a fun time getting together for Xmas!
Pictures from Friday night's celebration! Saturday Night - D-Day!
Chris was baking away furiously as we had gotten not one, but two pies for the event (including a Cinnabon pie, yummy!) We also had pretzel sticks and dip, chips, sausages, pizza rolls, veggies and dip, all kinds of sweet snacks, and more! We were also ordering pizza but wanted to wait till everyone was there. First to come up were Alex and Tina, followed by Nick, Jeremy, Steve, Teresa, and Marissa. The music was playing, the food was cooking, and Mariam still wasn't dressed in her hostess wear or had the gifts were wrapped. Jeremy called Roger, so we could let him know of our fun and festivities. Chris and Nick continued to serve, as Mom wasn't even done with her gifts or ready. What a crew we were! We put on silly xmas movies and people mingled. Then, Chris and I had to make a run for more ice, soda, and juice, and we did that. Finally, I had some moments to change my clothes and I got in my dress. People liked it, I think I got cheered! Woohoo! My friend Roy also arrived, and was happy to join the festivities. I passed out the treat bags which everyone liked, then it was gift time! As you can see from the pictures below, everyone got something interesting and fun! Santa was good to everyone! From gambling books to bonsai potatoes to Hall and Oates goodies, there were fun gifts to be had! I then took my turn to open my gifts and enjoyed them so much. I got a Spongebob Squarepants toilet seat cover, the Entertainment book, watches, food items, jewelry, a scarf, and a homemade Madonna pillow! That was so nice of everyone to think of me like that! After, we got ready and handed out the 3-D glasses for our yearly traditional Santa vs. the Snowman in 3-D showing. It was dark, and there was lots of ooohing and aahing, I knew it had been a hit! After that, it was time for more sweets and goodies, and some folks had to head out. Those of us remaining had an sparkling apple cider toast, and the rest of us watched "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" with Johnny Depp. That was a good time! Even though I was sick, my friends came together and showed me the true meaning of xmas, good friends who are like great family! Thanks to you all!
Photos of the event!
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